Friday, May 26, 2006

Don't think twice, it's alright.

Recent Purchases:
Sonic Youth Tickets!
Constantines Tickets!
Shellac Tickets!

Life is looking pretty awesome.

In addition, I started working at Whole Foods, and I like it a lot. It's a little strange working for a business that has 560 employees. I do realize that I will never the names of many of my co-workers, and this could add to the impersonal feeling that Austin gives me. And, I'm pretty much OK with that, due to the full-time work, the pay, the benifits, and the general friendly nature of my coworkers. I'm still on an emotional comedown from the New Orleans trip, which was an amazing, memorable experience.

In addition, I have decided that my life needs discipline. I am generally an epic example of disorganization. My room has more assorted items on the floor than carpet showing. My van is a lot worse. I am great at arriving to events (like work, shows) on time. However, I can never find anything, and am often tired and scatterbrained.
Due to this, I stopped drinking about a month ago (except for those few beers i had playing minigolf a couple of days ago.)

Now, a new idea to improve life. I will not use the computer more than three days a week.


Seriously. I do actually plan to do this. I don't think people can understand how difficult this will be for me. I just remember a time where my friendships weren't crafted out of blogger (..kali, you don't count, you're cool), myspace, livejournal, or AIM conversations. And I do believe that there is a great place for these interactive online communities. They do help me keep in touch with old compadres. They help me advertise my band. But I can do all of these things three days a week. From now on, I will primarily keep in touch with those that matter to me most by the telephone, a noble invention.

So I will get real stringent, and actually make a large chart in my room reminding me of the days that I logged on to the computer. Day one is today.


Anonymous said...

But Brandon, how will I and the millions of others who read your blog spend our time if you aren't updating? Are you telling me that *I* too will have to find other things to do with my life other than be on a computer?

You may be starting a revolution, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Also, who is going to comment in my blog if you only read it three times a week? This is really going to mess with my readership. Sheesh.

Okay, but, in all seriousness, I wish you luck. You can do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

no.....i think that updating 3 times a week should be enough, guys.

but my brain already feels better from not staring at a screen the last 2 days.

oh....and go see x men 3, it was pretty cool.